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Thursday, May 22, 2008

Enough is Enough!

OK, first it Was Rev. Wright eschewing his drivel about 911 being the fault of the US.

Then there was the blatant coddling of Obama by the media. This still continues.

Michelle Obama not being proud of the US until now.

Then the elitist remarks about clinging to guns and religion.

Now a member of the US House has said that the violence on our southern border is OUR fault! Keep in mind they are both Democrats and where they are from.

Quoting from an article by Penny Starr of CNS News:

( - Three Democratic lawmakers who spoke Wednesday about alleged anti-immigrant coverage by conservative media outlets were not aware of a recent State Department travel alert warning Americans about military-like "combat" along the southern U.S. border in Mexico, where Americans are being kidnapped and murdered.

Reps. Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.) and Hilda Solis (D-Calif.) both spoke toCybercast News Service after the briefing and said they had no knowledge of the travel alert but were aware of the volatility along the U.S. southern border.

"I've read different reports of the violence in Mexico, and I am a strong advocate for cracking down on the violence, and I'm very concerned about the murder of women," Solis said. "But I'm more concerned about people having their civil rights violated here."

"I haven't seen the travel alert, but I'm going to take a look at it," Gutierrez said. "But does it surprise me? It doesn't surprise me."

Gutierrez blamed drug use in the United States for some of the violence.

"We are the consumers," he said. "We are the cause."

Speakers at the briefing said that CNN and Fox News Channel should be held accountable for television personalities who have "played major roles in creating this anti-immigrant hysteria," specifically Lou Dobbs and Glenn Beck on CNN and Bill O'Reilly on Fox.

When will the voters in this country wake up and see the reality that is Obama? 



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