Thursday, May 29, 2008
Anybody see a pattern here?
Monday, May 26, 2008
Evil Political Dynasties and the Solution
Are the Clintons trying to establish another dynasty? Bill is now trying to get Chelsea involved. Are they alone in this delusional endeavor? Are they evil?
No, they are not by themselves. The Clintons are joined by The Bush's and the Kennedy clan.
Iraq and Chappaquiddick come to mind.
An honest, straight thinking candidate cannot be elected because in order to garner the support of enough party leaders he would have to become one of them, thus abandoning his principles. The only way for us to get a decent President is by a revolution of the people. Our current government is corrupt beyond redemption. I may be too old to see this country become a great nation again, but, sadly, I'm not too old to see it crumble to a third world status before my eyes.
Until there is a strong third party in the US, we are doomed.
Remember, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over but expecting different results.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Jews and Obama
News Editors: Are you guilty?
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Enough is Enough!
"I've read different reports of the violence in Mexico, and I am a strong advocate for cracking down on the violence, and I'm very concerned about the murder of women," Solis said. "But I'm more concerned about people having their civil rights violated here."
"I haven't seen the travel alert, but I'm going to take a look at it," Gutierrez said. "But does it surprise me? It doesn't surprise me."
Gutierrez blamed drug use in the United States for some of the violence.
"We are the consumers," he said. "We are the cause."
Speakers at the briefing said that CNN and Fox News Channel should be held accountable for television personalities who have "played major roles in creating this anti-immigrant hysteria," specifically Lou Dobbs and Glenn Beck on CNN and Bill O'Reilly on Fox.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Ted Kennedy- I wish him well, but...
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Black Hurricanes
Sent to me today. I don't doubt it's validity. I'll bet the congresswoman is a Democrat.
Black hurricanes....
Well, it appears our African-American friends have found yet something else to be pissed about. A black congresswoman, from Florida , has complained that the names of hurricanes are all Caucasian sounding names.
She would prefer some names that reflect African-American culture such as Chamiqua, Tanisha, Woeisha, Shaqueal, and Jamal. I am NOT making this up!
She would also like the weather reports to be broadcast in Language that street people can understand because one of the problems that happened in New Orleans was, that black people couldn't understand the seriousness of the situation, due to the racially biased language of the weather report.
I can hear it now: A weatherman in Miami and Tampa says...
Wazzup, mutha-fukkas! Hehr-i-cane Chamiqua be
headin' fo' yo ass like Leroy on a crotch rocket!
Bitch be a category fo'! So grab yo' chirren, yo'
Ho, be leavin yo crib, and head fo' da nearest
guv'ment off ice fo yo FREE shit!
Chickens coming home to roost?
Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D-Massachusetts), drove a car off a bridge on Massachusetts' Chappaquiddick Island in 1969 after a party. The accident killed aide Mary Jo Kopechne, and controversy over the incident effectively ended the Massachusetts senator's presidential aspirations.
His son Edward Jr. had his right leg amputated in 1973 because of cancer; his son Patrick, now a congressman, sought treatment for cocaine addiction as a teen-ager in 1986.
His nephew, William Kennedy Smith, was accused of rape in 1991 at the family estate in Palm Beach, Florida. He was acquitted.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Bush encourages increase in illegal immigration!
Monday, May 5, 2008
What Lies Underneath?
It's the VICE-PRESIDENTS that will make the difference in this election.
If McCain is elected, he has a good chance of not living through his term of office. After all, he IS 71.
The same might be true for Obama.
It's surprising Hillary has lived this long.
That being said, Barack has an awful lot of explaining to do. Hillary is an open book albeit a horror story. McCain is a hero, but a little senile.
What would happen if McCain should suffer a heart attack before the election.
I would like to see the only people's candidate surface as the conventions approach.
Thank Heaven Ron Paul is still on the ballot!