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Thursday, May 29, 2008

Anybody see a pattern here?

First it was Rev. Wright. Then Ayers. Now is is another clergy that Obama is having to distance himself from. For a supposed "Christian" he is sure dodging the clergy. By association, Obama is a racist! 

Maybe they know something we only suspect, that Obama is only a Christian when it is advantageous to him. What is he the rest of the time? What was he before the Rev. Wright brought him to Christianity 20 years ago? What is he now?  Muslim maybe? WE DON'T KNOW!

This man is dangerous to the US. He has NO experience. If I were having surgery would I want a surgeon who is just out of med school or on who has had experience performing
the operation before? HOW ABOUT YOU?


Monday, May 26, 2008

Evil Political Dynasties and the Solution

Are the Clintons trying to establish another dynasty? Bill is now trying to get Chelsea involved. Are they alone in this delusional endeavor? Are they evil?

No, they are not by themselves. The Clintons are joined by The Bush's and the Kennedy clan.

Iraq and Chappaquiddick come to mind.

An honest, straight thinking candidate cannot be elected because in order to garner the support of enough party leaders he would have to become one of them, thus abandoning his principles. The only way for us to get a decent President is by a revolution of the people. Our current government is corrupt beyond redemption. I may be too old to see this country become a great nation again, but, sadly, I'm not too old to see it crumble to a third world status before my eyes.

Until there is a strong third party in the US, we are doomed.

Remember, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over but expecting different results.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Jews and Obama

Barack Huessein Obama has as much chance of some guy named Rabinowitz voting for him as that Rabinowitz guy has of getting an invitation to join the KKK.

There! It's out for all to see. 

Why would ANY Jew vote for someone with all the unanswered questions about his past? There are two other presidential candidates that Jewish voters can have confidence in to protect the State of Israel. 

How do I explain the younger set flocking to Obama?

Unfortunately, Jews in the US have raised their children to be open-minded to all ideas. This has led to the Jewish youth being followers not leaders. The "Pied Piper" has lured the Jewish youth to his way of thinking. They are as naive as he is.


News Editors: Are you guilty?

We might all send this to our local papers and TV stations, or at least get them to do a reality check.

For all news editors:

Making sense of spin in the news
by Dr. Michael Brown
copyright 1999

Guns are a sad fact of life in American culture and are a major topic in
modern journalism. A good Journalist has a duty to get involved and make
a difference in this important societal debate. By following certain
guidelines, the concerned Journalist can be assured of having the
maximum impact on this shameful problem.
The first principle to remember is that subtle use of terminology can
covertly influence the reader. Adjectives should be chosen for maximum
anti-gun effect.
When describing a gun, attach terms like "automatic," "semi-automatic,"
"large caliber," "deadly," "high powered," or "powerful." Almost any gun
can be described by one or more of these terms. More than two guns
should be called an "arsenal."
Try to include the term "assault weapon" if at all possible. This can be
combined with any of the terms above for best results. Nobody actually
knows what an assault weapon is, so you cannot be criticized for this
usage. Your local anti-gun organization can provide you with a list of
the latest buzz words like "junk guns," "Saturday Night Specials," and
"the criminal's weapon of choice."
Don't worry about getting technical details right. Many a reporter has
accidentally written about 'semi-automatic revolvers' or committed other
minor errors. Since most people know little about guns, this is not a
problem. Only the gun nuts will complain and they don't count. The
emotional content of your article is much more important than the
factual details, since people are more easily influenced through their
emotions than through logic.
Broadcast Journalists should have a file tape showing a machine gun
firing on full automatic. Run this video while describing "automatic"
weapons used in a crime or confiscated by police. At the least, a large
graphic of a handgun should be displayed behind the on-air personality
when reading any crime story.
Do not waste words describing criminals who use guns to commit crimes.
Instead of calling them burglar, rapist, murderer, or repeat offender,
simply use the term "gunman." This helps the public associate all forms
of crime and violence with the possession of guns.
Whenever drug dealers are arrested, guns are usually confiscated by the
police. Mention the type and number of guns more prominently than the
type and quantity of drugs. Include the number of rounds of ammunition
seized, since the number will seem large to those who know little about
guns. Obviously, the drug dealers who had the guns should now be called
Political discussions on gun control legislation usually involve pro-gun
organizations. Always refer to these organizations as "the gun lobby."
If space permits, mention how much money the gun lobby has spent to
influence political campaigns and describe their legislative lobbying
efforts as "arm twisting" or "threats."
Gun owners must never be seen in a positive light. Do not mention that
these misguided individuals may actually be well educated, or have
respectable jobs and healthy families. They should be called "gun nuts"
if possible or simply gun owners at best. Mention details about their
clothing, especially if they are wearing hunting clothes or hats.
Mention the simplistic slogans on their bumper stickers to show that
their intelligence level is low. Many gun owners drive pickup trucks,
hunt and live in rural areas. Use these details to help portray them as
ignorant rednecks. Don't use the word "hunt." Always say that they
"kill" animals.
Don't be afraid to interview these people, they are harmless even though
we don't portray them that way. Try to solicit comments that can be
taken out of context to show them in the worst possible light.
Never question the effectiveness of gun control laws or proposals. Guns
are evil and kill people. Removing guns from society can only be good.
Nobody really uses guns for legitimate self-defense, especially women or
children. Any stories about armed self-defense must be minimized or
Be careful about criticizing the police for responding slowly to 911
calls for help. It is best if the public feels like the police can be
relied upon to protect them at all times. If people are buying guns to
protect their families, you are not doing your job.
Emphasize stories where people kill family members and/or themselves
with guns. It is important to make the public feel like they could lose
control and start killing at any moment if they have a gun in the house.
Any story where a child misuses a gun is front page material.
View every shooting as an event to be exploited. Always include
emotional quotes from the victim's family if possible. If they are not
available, the perpetrator's family will do nicely. The quote must blame
the tragedy on the availability of guns. Photos or video of grieving
family members are worth a thousand facts.
Most people will accept the assertion that guns cause crime. It is much
easier than believing that some people deliberately choose to harm
Your story should include terms like "tragic" or "preventable" and
mention the current toll of gun violence in your city or state. Good
reporters always know exactly how many gun deaths have occurred in their
area since the first of the year. List two or three previous incidents
of gun violence to give the impression of a continuing crime wave.
Little space should be devoted to shootings where criminals kill each
other. Although these deaths greatly inflate the annual gun violence
numbers, they distract from the basic mission of urging law abiding
citizens to give up their guns.
Do not dig too deeply into the reasons behind shootings. The fact that a
gun was involved is the major point, unless someone under 18 is
affected, in which case the child angle is now of equal importance.
Any article about gun violence should include quotes from anti-gun
organizations or politicians. One quote should say that we must do
something "for the children." Anti-gun spokespersons should be called
"activists" or "advocates."
If your employer wishes to appear unbiased, you can include one token
quote from a gun lobby group to show that you are being fair. The
anti-gun statements should be accepted as fact. The gun lobby statement
can be denigrated by including text like, "according to gun lobbyist
Fortunately, statements from anti-gun organizations come in short sound
bites that are perfect for generating an emotional response in the
reader or viewer. Gun lobby statements usually contain boring facts that
are easy to ignore.
Feel secure in your advocacy journalism. The vast majority of your
fellow Journalists support your activism. The nation will be a better
place when only the police and military have guns. Remember that you are
doing it for the children so the end justifies the means.
Eventually, the government will have a monopoly on power. Don't worry
about the right to freedom of the press, just contact me then for more
helpful hints.
Professor Michael Brown, School of Journalism, Brady Chair, Vancouver
College of Liberal Arts
Political Satire, copyright 1999, Michael Brown. May be reproduced
freely in its full and complete form.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Enough is Enough!

OK, first it Was Rev. Wright eschewing his drivel about 911 being the fault of the US.

Then there was the blatant coddling of Obama by the media. This still continues.

Michelle Obama not being proud of the US until now.

Then the elitist remarks about clinging to guns and religion.

Now a member of the US House has said that the violence on our southern border is OUR fault! Keep in mind they are both Democrats and where they are from.

Quoting from an article by Penny Starr of CNS News:

( - Three Democratic lawmakers who spoke Wednesday about alleged anti-immigrant coverage by conservative media outlets were not aware of a recent State Department travel alert warning Americans about military-like "combat" along the southern U.S. border in Mexico, where Americans are being kidnapped and murdered.

Reps. Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.) and Hilda Solis (D-Calif.) both spoke toCybercast News Service after the briefing and said they had no knowledge of the travel alert but were aware of the volatility along the U.S. southern border.

"I've read different reports of the violence in Mexico, and I am a strong advocate for cracking down on the violence, and I'm very concerned about the murder of women," Solis said. "But I'm more concerned about people having their civil rights violated here."

"I haven't seen the travel alert, but I'm going to take a look at it," Gutierrez said. "But does it surprise me? It doesn't surprise me."

Gutierrez blamed drug use in the United States for some of the violence.

"We are the consumers," he said. "We are the cause."

Speakers at the briefing said that CNN and Fox News Channel should be held accountable for television personalities who have "played major roles in creating this anti-immigrant hysteria," specifically Lou Dobbs and Glenn Beck on CNN and Bill O'Reilly on Fox.

When will the voters in this country wake up and see the reality that is Obama? 



Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Ted Kennedy- I wish him well, but...

No one should ever have as much tragedy in his life as Ted Kennedy. 

By the same token, no one family should inflect so much tragedy on others.

Possibly his brain tumor is the reason he endorsed Obama.

Mary Jo Kopechne, 1969

Not much else to say, is there?

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Black Hurricanes

Sent to me today. I don't doubt it's validity. I'll bet the congresswoman is a Democrat.

Black hurricanes....

Well, it appears our African-American friends have found yet something else to be pissed about.   A black congresswoman, from Florida , has complained that the names of hurricanes are all Caucasian sounding names.

She would prefer some names that reflect African-American culture  such as Chamiqua, Tanisha, Woeisha, Shaqueal, and Jamal.   I am NOT making this up!

She would also like the weather reports to be broadcast in Language that street people can understand because one of the  problems that happened in New Orleans  was, that black people couldn't understand the seriousness of the situation, due to the racially biased language of the weather report.

I can hear it now:   A weatherman in Miami and Tampa says...

Wazzup, mutha-fukkas! Hehr-i-cane Chamiqua be

headin' fo' yo ass like Leroy on a crotch rocket!

Bitch be a category fo'! So grab yo' chirren, yo'

Ho, be leavin yo crib, and head fo' da nearest

guv'ment off ice fo yo FREE shit!

Chickens coming home to roost?

I realize this post may not be in the best taste. If it offends anyone, I'm truly sorry, but the media is really biased. This is the rest of the story. Tell it like it is...

Today, Ted Kennedy suffered what is first described as stroke-like symptoms, later diagnosed as seizures. I truly wish him well, as I would anyone with a similar condition, although my political views are quite different.

The reason for this post is that all the news coverage is expounding on his virtues and those of his family. They are a family of elitists, believing the law does not apply to them. A bit of a reality check is in order:


Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D-Massachusetts), drove a car off a bridge on Massachusetts' Chappaquiddick Island in 1969 after a party. The accident killed aide Mary Jo Kopechne, and controversy over the incident effectively ended the Massachusetts senator's presidential aspirations.

His son Edward Jr. had his right leg amputated in 1973 because of cancer; his son Patrick, now a congressman, sought treatment for cocaine addiction as a teen-ager in 1986.

His nephew, William Kennedy Smith, was accused of rape in 1991 at the family estate in Palm Beach, Florida. He was acquitted. 

Monday, May 12, 2008

Bush encourages increase in illegal immigration!

The President has basically given the go-ahead for illegals to storm the border in 3 weeks. Drugs smuggling will also increase. That is the date he is pulling out the National Guard troops. They were supposed to be there until the Border Patrol had grown to 18,000. The Border Patrol is not there yet but Bush is pulling the Guard troops out anyway.

If I were someone smuggling illegals or drugs I would be overjoyed! "Hey guys, let's just wait until they leave the Border Patrol to handle it shorthanded."

This administration and the Presidential candidates have done NOTHING to secure our borders. Our justice department has prosecuted Border Patrol agents for doing their job and NOTHING has been done! We have a National Guard, but as I see it there is a question as to what nation they are guarding, Iraq, Mexico, or the US.

There was a segment on "60 Minutes" (you know, the extremely non-biased investigative voice of the far left) regarding the level of medical care afforded to illegals while being held in detention while waiting for deportation. 

We, the taxpayer are paying for this medical care and also the high costs of confinement for these illegals. One suggestion is to deport them as they are arrested instead of sending them to a detention center. We could also speed up the deportation process.

 Some of these illegals are even FILING LAWSUITS (with Obama a shoo-in the ACLU has to have something to do) for poor medical treatment. I assure you, the treatment they are getting is far superior to the treatment they could get in their own country. If they don't thinks so then they should just GO HOME!

Once again, I have nothing but respect for LEGAL IMMIGRANTS to our country. They are and have been contributing to the greatness of our nation. 

If someone comes here illegally, flaunting our laws, what kind of citizen could they be? They would not feel they have to wait in lines at restaurants, doctors offices or gas stations. They do KILL to get what they want and  in front of others. Yeah, we really want those people here.

I would like someone to declare Crawford, TX a sanctuary city.

Monday, May 5, 2008

What Lies Underneath?

It's the VICE-PRESIDENTS that will make the difference in this election.

If McCain is elected, he has a good chance of not living through his term of office. After all, he IS 71.

The same might be true for Obama.

 It's surprising Hillary has lived this long. 


That being said, Barack has an awful lot of explaining to do. Hillary is an open book albeit a horror story. McCain is a hero, but a little senile.

What would happen if McCain should suffer a heart attack before the election.

 I would like to see the only people's candidate surface as the conventions approach.

  Thank Heaven Ron Paul is still on the ballot!