The GOM, however, only sees it as another week. Yes, I'll watch a lot of football, and I actually like fruitcake. This is the time of year when I really miss family. The one family member I was really close to succumbed to illness this past year. He is really missed. My daughter is with her mother in Florida. I'll get to talk to her on the phone but I'm still here by myself. Oh well, it's not the first time and it won't be the last, I'm sure.
There will be some good poker this week though. I used to love this week when I lived in Las Vegas. The tourists came and just loved to pass out the money. The holiday weekends were always profitable. Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, made no difference, they were there and so was profit at the tables.
I wish each of you everything you wish for yourself, health, happiness and prosperity.
See you all next year!
I'm your pal Herb. Now pass those black chips down here.